
Selasa, 28 Agustus 2012

The King 2 Hearts

As I mentioned before (yesterday) that I'd like to write ALL THINGS in my taste. Now I'd like to post  one of my hobby, WATCHING. I like watching movies in the cinema, or DVD or the one that I'd like to discuss now is a foreign language drama. The one I finished today is so good and I'd like to rate it 8.5/10. I'm pretty generous in giving scores and though it has a plot that I really don't like, many good persons died in it, it still has good story line, good screenplay, good music, good actors/ actresses, just prove it yourself if you are curious. So this is it.

 Title: 더킹 투하츠 / The King 2 Hearts
Previously known as: 킹 (King) / 더킹 (The King) / 킹 투허츠 (King 2 Hearts)
Genre: Romance
Episodes: 20
Broadcast network: MBC
Broadcast period: 2012-Mar-21 to 2012-May-24
Air time: Wednesday & Thursday 21:55
Original Soundtrack: The King 2 Hearts OST

This drama is set in modern day where South Korea is governed by a constitutional monarchy. Lee Jae Ha is a handsome and materialistic crown prince that doesn't care about politics. He falls for Kim Hang Ah, a North Korean special forces agent. With a political story line, these two characters have chemistry as a couple though there is an age difference of 8 years between them. Ha Ji Won looks so young and as attractive as always. It is after I finished watching that I realize Lee Seung Gi has won 2 awards for best couple with different actresses (Han Hyo Joo and  Shin Min A) so maybe we can conclude that he can create the chemistry. He looks awesome in the picture and I always dream of having a soldier-uniformed guy beside me. 

A noticeable beauty in this movie and an apple of my eyes is the love story of Eun Shi Kyung and Lee Jae Shin (a royal soldier and a princess) which is a sad epic however cause this honest, straight minded, brave, unforgettable soldier who loves the beautiful, funny, strong-willed singer princess was dead in line of mission, that is why I deducted the score by 1 point. The fact that the previous king and queen passed away is tolerable for me since it is a part of the plot, but the director also had to take this one lovable character and left the princess alone is so unfair. I can't bear to watch another tragedy like this. They can't have the one they love and the end of this sad love story was the scene where princess was talking with herself and an imagination of the soldier (in form of a bird which was given by him) about her arranged date. Not only they had to make her cripple for whole life, but also took her lover, so princess is the most pitiful character going through so many pitiful events. Though according to Bethany (May 30, 2012), "However, as much as I hate to admit it, his death was not something that could have been avoided by the drama. Shi-kyung and Bong-gu are on such opposite ends of the spectrum in terms of ideologies that in order for Jae-ha to bring Bong-gu down, he had to suffer some kind of loss as well. Even though the death of Jae-kang had already hit Jae-ha hard, that only signaled the beginning of Jae-ha’s determination to bring Bong-gu down. Obviously, it wouldn’t make any sense for the writers to have Hang-ah die, so the only other person important enough in the drama to really make an impact by dying would be Shi-kyung". I'm still mourning for him and can't be more agree with Bethany's comment "Shi-kyung pretty much became my favorite character in the entire drama by the end. His personality and just the way that he was depicted was spot-on throughout the storyline — his seriousness about his job, the way that he helped Jae-shin overcome the obstacles she struggled with, and of course, his bromance with Jae-ha".

If by chance director Lee Jae Kyu read this, please please consider of removing any unnecessary tragedy from the dramas. Maybe this is a selfish request from a young lady far ways from you, but I really love Korean dramas (not tragedy) so please think of it like this. People know drama is not Disney story which will end in all miraculous ways, but the tears on process is enough, so I hopefully demand that dramas we watch from all over the world will entertain us and cherish us. The fact and reality people face everyday in life is already suffocating and a burden to one's mind. Can't I just afford the happy stories from dramas. Please to all Korean directors, grant our wishes of a story worth to be dreamed of, instead to cry of. Up till the moment I write this, I can't believe Eun Shi Kyung was dead, I (and I'm 100% sure not just me) am still hoping that they were able to save him and he will show one day. I am wishing that there will be a drama with them as leads so I can live their characters in my heart.

Main Cast
Lee Seung Ki as Lee Jae Ha
Kang Han Byul as young Jae Ha
Ha Ji Won as Kim Hang Ah
Jo Jung Suk as Eun Shi Kyung
Yoon Je Moon as Kim Bong Goo / John Mayer
Lee Yoon Ji as Lee Jae Shin
The Royal Family
Lee Sung Min as Lee Jae Kang
Park Gun Tae as young Jae Kang
Yoon Yeo Jung as Bang Yang Sun
Lee Soon Jae as Eun Kyu Tae
WOC Members
Jung Man Shik (정만식) as Ri Kang Suk
Kwon Hyun Sang (권현상) as Yeom Dong Ha
Choi Kwon as Kwon Young Bae
Extended Cast
Lee Do Kyung as Kim Nam Il (Hang Ah's father)
Jun Gook Hwan as Hyun Myung Ho
Samanda Daniel as Bon Bon
Yum Dong Hyun (염동현) as Park Ho Chul
Lee Yun Kyung as Park Hyun Joo
Lee Shi Un as Hang Ah's first love
Ra Mi Ran (라미란)
Production Credits
Director: Lee Jae Kyu
Screenwriter: Hong Jin Ah, Hong Ja Ram


Senin, 27 Agustus 2012


After thinking for a blink of an eye (and additional of a few seconds) I think I get the idea of why people write about their holidays and make their blogs as journey blogs. I'm thinking that way also but in a deeper way, I know specified theme something will attract people's attention more than general ones cause people link it with broader knowledge and skill in a thing, like for example a barber shop for men's hair or the honeymoon dessert for dessert. But nevertheless my friends, a general one also never loses its appeal, like the hospital which serves all patients with all wounds and illness. Now back to the topic of blogging, due to my believe and circumstances, I used to think that my blog means something (huge one) and must be filled respectfully, therefore I chose topics and things so deep (even though I haven't written that much after all, I dislike hyperbolic about small things or blabbering especially when it comes as mere words and not some kind of achievement/ enlightened mind). Did you do the same? But nowadays I think that I should let the burden be gone. Just like any other teenagers or early adults (cause I'm 22 when I'm writing this), I think that I want to post anything that comes in my mind. I want to write my sights, my point of view, my thoughts. ALL THINGS just like my wish in the subtitle of this blog. 

I assume that this is what my soul says FREEDOM in a way. Being a part of third developing democratic country, I want to claim the right of saying things, be it heard or unheard. Not only that, I promise to myself that I will also make myself clear to those who cares or simply have the same faith, the same thoughts, the same believe as I do. In other words, this is my spoken and opened diary for anyone to read. I'm sharing my world with you as I believe the world is too large to be seen in a four-edges screen called TV. We breathe the same air, so I know if you read this, you can imagine what I've been through or what I think. Have those imagination while it's still free! Rene Descartes once quote "Cogito ergo sum" which means "I think therefore I am". So do not waste your time, your mind when you still have them. Think with me, feel with me, live with me. Read whatever you want if it broaden your world or enlighten your mind. As for me, it's good enough if I can write, it's read, you're blessed, and I can keep track of my life if one in this lifetime, you want to know me better. 

These changes and decision made an declared today will not go as far as changing to bad words or else, I just decided to make it more alive. To treat and to be treated as an individual like other bloggers. Maybe I'm a bit jealous by the time I'm writing this because I still see none is following me :p but who cares when this is a diary?? Maybe I deserve a tomato (not thrown please, it's a waste, how about on a silver plate or cooked to soup) for this unknown-purpose-driven essay or a flower instead, but what matters is that I feel a bit at ease after I write this, back to the core...I love freedom :) Happy reading and welcome to the new me. 

Selasa, 14 Agustus 2012

The Diadem of Diamond

"Lebih dari 10.000 berlian yang dikenakan oleh para raja Inggris selama lebih dari 250 tahun akan dipamerkan di Istana Buckingham di London untuk merayakan diamond jubilee Ratu Elizabeth II."

Membaca berita ini mungkin hanya sekedar pelepas waktu bagi sebagian orang, tapi pikiran di balik kepala ini memikirkan cukup banyak hal, yang terutama adalah keinginan untuk bisa melihat permata-permata kecil yang luar biasa cantik ini. Benda orisinil yang penuh dengan sejarah dan kenangan bagi begitu banyak orang. Luar biasanya pribadi yang bisa membuat sebuah benda bernilai lebih dari yang lain, tentu ada bedanya bila semua perhiasan itu dimiliki nyonya kaya biasa bukan? Hal yang menarik juga adalah penghargaan masyarakat bagi sikap memperlihatkan harta negara. Dalam usia yang masih muda, pikiran berkata "Suatu hari nanti aku akan ada di tempat pameran benda-benda berharga dan menjadi salah seorang figur masyarakat yang membawa perubahan ke arah yang baik." Ini adalah sebuah dunia yang seakan ada pada dimensi lain kehidupan ini, tapi kalau ada orang-orang yang hidup dengan cara demikian, orang lain pun berhak setidaknya bermimpi untuk ada di sana dan menyaksikan semua itu terjadi. Melihat dunia ini dari situasi sekarang mungkin masih seperti melihat dari sebuah berlian yang tidak terasah.

 Berlian berasal dari kata Yunani kuno - Adamas - yang berarti "tidak bisa dipecahkan", "tepat" atau "tidak bisa ditempa" dan adalah salah satu permata yang paling dikenal dan dicari. Berlian telah dikenal manusia dan digunakan sebagai barang-barang dekoratif sejak zaman kuno, beberapa referensi paling awal dapat ditelusuri ke India. Kekerasan berlian dan dispersi tinggi cahaya - memberikan berlian karakteristik "api" - membuatnya berguna untuk aplikasi industri dan diinginkan sebagai perhiasan. Berlian adalah komoditas yang sangat diperdagangkan bahwa beberapa organisasi telah diciptakan untuk penilaian dan sertifikasi mereka didasarkan pada empat C, yaitu karat (carat), potong (cut), warna (color), dan kejelasan (clarity). Karakteristik lain, seperti ada atau kurangnya fluoresensi, juga mempengaruhi keinginan dan dengan demikian nilai dari sebuah berlian yang digunakan untuk perhiasan. 

 Nilai tinggi berlian juga telah menjadi kekuatan pendorong di belakang kediktatoran dan entitas revolusioner, terutama di Afrika, menggunakan budak dan pekerja anak untuk menambang berlian darah untuk mendanai konflik. Tanpa lebih jauh membahas tentang penyelewengan dari berlian, batu ini cantik dan artistik selain dari kualitasnya yang memang tidak mudah dibentuk. Mungkin alasan yang sama menjadi dasar mengapa berlian sangat populer sebagai batu pada cincin pertunangan maupun pernikahan, dengan harapan bahwa hubungan tersebutpun tidak akan mudah hancur. Mungkin penggunaan paling terkenal dari berlian perhiasan di dalam cincin pertunangan, yang menjadi populer pada awal hingga pertengahan abad ke-20 karena kampanye iklan oleh perusahaan De Beers, meskipun cincin berlian telah digunakan untuk melambangkan keterlibatan setidaknya sejak abad ke-15. 

Asal usul kebiasaan menggunakan berlian di cincin, dan baru-baru, dalam cincin pertunangan, dapat ditelusuri kembali ke Abad Pertengahan dan bahkan orang-orang Romawi. Bangsa Romawi menghargai berlian sepenuhnya karena kekuatan supranatural berlian itu. Pliny menulis bahwa berlian menghambat racun, menjaga kewarasan, dan mengusir ketakutan yang sia-sia. Orang Italia abad pertengahan mengikuti keyakinan ini dan menambahkan beberapa hal: mereka menyebutnya "Pietra della Reconciliazone" (batu rekonsiliasi) karena mempertahankan kerukunan antara suami dan istri. Berdasar pada hal ini, berlian direkomendasikan sebagai batu harus ditetapkan pada cincin pernikahan (atau pertunangan)-bukan karena keindahannya karena itu, yang telah dijelaskan oleh Isidore dari Seville sebagai batu kecil tanpa keindahan. Pada zaman yang lebih baru Oracle Paris mata pelajaran mistik, Baron d'Orchamps, mengumumkan berlian, bila dipakai di sebelah kiri dapat menghindarkan dari pengaruh jahat dan menarik keberuntungan dan karena ia memiliki klien modis, penyebaran kata dan pemakaian cincin berlian di tangan kiri menjadi sebuah fashion tersendiri.

Salah satu kejadian yang pertama dari pertunangan berlian (atau pernikahan) cincin dapat ditelusuri kembali ke pernikahan Maximilian I (kemudian Archduke Austria) untuk Maria dari Burgundy di 1477. Contoh-contoh awal lain dari perhiasan berlian pertunangan menggabungkan termasuk Pengantin Mahkota Blanche (ca. 1370-1380) dan bros Heftlein Wina (1430-1440 ca.), sebuah potongan bergambar menggambarkan pasangan pengantin. Popularitas cincin berlian sebagai cincin pertunangan untuk audiens yang lebih luas dapat ditelusuri langsung ke kampanye pemasaran dari De Beers, mulai tahun 1938. Kampanye semacam itu menjadi perlu untuk menjual sejumlah besar berlian tiba-tiba tersedia karena dari berlian yang besar menemukan terutama di Afrika Selatan.

Sekarang, siapa yang mau cincin pertunangan atau pernikahan dengan batu berlian? Setidaknya penulis blog ini adalah satu di antaranya :) 
