
Kamis, 20 Mei 2010

Things I love

I love when the sun shines for me and the world
I love when I can feel the touch of silky breeze on my skin
I love when the wind sways and hugs me
I love when the ocean waves come to tickle my palm

I love when the leaves sing for me and surroundings
I love when the fire purifies unholy things
I love when the animals show me that they are supposed to be loved
I love when the human become one unity with nature

Minggu, 02 Mei 2010

Love by Life

Light to my heart
Overwhelming with the warmth
Vanquishes all the arrogance
Endures tension caused by

Love is not only a word
It is a prove of a
Feeling for the only one
Even more day by day
by : Irene

Jumat, 30 April 2010

Kampanye dan Lingkungan

Di hari kedua kampanye bersama tertanggal 17 Maret 2009 bahkan pada waktu sebelumnya, dapat kita lihat jumlah spanduk dengan beragam ukuran dipasang oleh berbagai partai politik. Spanduk parpol nasional, sosialis, hingga religius menyemarakkan pemandangan kota-kota di seluruh penjuru Indonesia. Tak terkecuali di jalan raya kota besar seperti Jalan Penjernihan di kawasan Jakarta Selatan. Spanduk dipasang dalam radius tertentu dengan berbagai bentuk dan warna agar menarik perhatian. Satu hal yang perlu diperhatikan adalah kurangnya kepedulian terhadap lingkungan. Spanduk yang dipantek pada pohon, ditempel pada tiang listrik, serta bendera yang berlebihan pada tempat-tempat kecil mempengaruhi kebersihan dan ketertiban kota. Aturan dan hukum memang tidak membatasi pemasangan spanduk, namun alangkah baiknya bila kampanye parpol lebih memperhatikan kepedulian pada lingkungan hidup.

by : fairy_lady (telah dimuat pada koran indopos Rabu, 21 Maret 2009)

Rabu, 28 April 2010

Be A Hero

As we all know, the world is such crueler day by day. The percentage of people who think that the world is unfair grows unexpectedly. Human live in a world and environment they don’t want to live in. People distrust else and they begin to live the life they aren’t enjoying. They are aware of the crime news everyday on TV, radio, newspaper. There is no day without the news about robbery, kidnapping, rape, hypnotism, killer, and many other crimes. People can’t walk safely on the pedestrian, can’t leave their house empty, can’t let their child play freely, etc. How could that be possible?
We should ask ourselves where on earth is our norm and ethic, moreover, our morale? Is it hidden or is it lost?

Every crime that human does was started with a choice, which finally decided by that human only. Here ethic, norms, rules, feelings, and morale have their roles. According to my opinion, what the world’s lacking is morale, love, affection. No matter what the situation is or what kind of environment a human is living, if he has morale, he will decide the right thing and won’t surrender to the wrong. Therefore the campaign with theme “Be A Hero” is created, based on the fact we’re facing and a hope of a better living for all human being.
Everyone can be a hero. You are not a hero only if you can climb the highest mountain. You are not a hero only if you can defeat the enemy whose aim is to destroy the world. You are not a hero only if you can fly to the highest sky. You are not a hero only if you can solve the most complex mystery ever.

A child who confesses that he is the one who broke the window is a hero. A wife brave enough to request a divorce with a husband who has tortured him is a hero. A teacher who never stops to teach when the children are very naughty is a hero. A mother who always cooks for the family without complaining is a hero.

We all want a better world, which allows us brave enough to dream, to hope, or just brave enough to live. Even if the president strict the law and decide to cut hand of a robber, it won’t stop the robbery. Living in fear, people will become more brutal. It punishes their body, physically, not their heart. I am dreaming of a better world, which foundation is love, values of live, morale.

There is only one aim of “Be A hero” campaign. It is to heal the world. From its illness, in this case, lack of morality. Which cause another illness like crime, unsafe, misery, pain.

How? 1. Pick A Hero
2. Think and feel

You are not a hero by your power, you are not a hero by your intelligence, you are a hero by your heart

Selasa, 27 April 2010

Pelangi Tanpa Warna

Ketika deras air hujan berhenti menghentak
Sebuah lengkung warna warni akan tersibak
Mengagumkan semua mata yang menyimak

Sebuah pelangi akan menemani mentari
Meski tanpa janji pasti
Untuk menemani sepanjang hari

Inilah yang ada kudapati
Ketika telah puas air membasahi bumi
Tak kutemukan sebuah pelangi

Ke sudut langit kumencari
Ke ambang fajar kuberlari
Di balik bayangan sang awan tak kudapati
Hingga semuanya tiada berarti

Bagai melodi tanpa bunyi
Bagai puisi tanpa hati
Bagai lukisan tanpa keindahan
Dapat kurasakan sebuah pelangi tanpa warna